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Writer's pictureBev Cooper


Updated: Jul 3, 2021

How you worry and fret! Yes, I am in control. I am not worried, nor am I fretting over world affairs or your affairs. Didn't I say in My Word that you are just experiencing birth pangs? When there is a birthing in process, nothing can stop it. You cannot get out of the process, no matter what you may try. There is no way to avoid the pain of this process. For everything that is of the flesh must die, so that the life in the Spirit can be revealed. As you yield to Me and crucify your flesh, more and more of My Spirit will be released through you. It is the Kingdom way. The process of sanctification must continue in all of My children, so that My sons and daughters can be revealed in all their true glory; clothed with power from on high. For I have much to do in this earth to reveal My Kingdom. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has anyone even imagined what I have prepared for this time and season. So be excited to be alive! Remember that birth pangs only mean that a baby is about to be born! Though there is pain, the life that is revealed makes the pain endured pale in comparison to the joy of the new birth. So rejoice! Your time has come! Do not fear, but look forward to the future with great hope and expectation of the fulfillment of My promises to you and all of My children!

John 16:21-22 Living Bible (TLB) 21 It will be the same joy as that of a woman in labor when her child is born—her anguish gives place to rapturous joy and the pain is forgotten. 22 You have sorrow now, but I will see you again and then you will rejoice; and no one can rob you of that joy. Hebrews 10:34-36 Living Bible (TLB) 34 You suffered with those thrown into jail, and you were actually joyful when all you owned was taken from you, knowing that better things were awaiting you in heaven, things that would be yours forever. 35 Do not let this happy trust in the Lord die away, no matter what happens. Remember your reward! 36 You need to keep on patiently doing God’s will if you want him to do for you all that he has promised.

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