Yes, I have given you eyes to see and ears to hear. Many do not really want to know about My reality because it seems so far-fetched. I am Spirit and everything in My world is supernatural. You will never be able to completely understand everything, even if I let you see it. It does not make sense to your human senses. Therefore, it is wise to continually seek after Me having a pure heart so that the enemy will not be able to lead you into deception.
I have put the hunger in you, and in my end-time army, to know Me, My reality, My Kingdom and My ways; for you were born for such a time as this. Expect to see and hear more in the supernatural. Ask Me for more and I will reveal more. It is My will to do so. Remember, you were a citizen of heaven first. You were sent to earth and born again in order to reveal heaven to earth's citizens so that they, too, can join My family.
Yes, those that seek Me, and heavenly encounters, will be rejected by those bound to a religious spirit, but the world is hungry to have encounters with the one true living God. You have been anointed and appointed to reveal Me. Walk closely with Me and let Me have My way in every area of your life. It will be a continual process until the day you come home to be with Me.
Do not give in to fear, discouragement or condemnation. I will be with you every step of the way. I will never leave you or forsake you. I have a whole host of heaven willing and ready to assist you anytime you have need of them. Walk in holiness, quickly repenting. Do not become sin-conscious either. Become God-conscious wherever you go. Ask Me what I am doing and what your assignment is.
The veil between heaven and earth is growing thinner all the time. Expect to see more and more of the supernatural. It will become a natural occurrence for those in My Kingdom. You are living in exciting times. Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. He will always reveal Me to you because we are one, and He delights in Me. My Spirit is baptizing You with fire for this next season. You will burn with My glory! Never touch it--always give Me all the glory and walk in the fear of the Lord. I love you and nothing can keep My purposes from being fulfilled in and through you as long as you yield to Me.
The Holy One of Israel
Matthew 5:8 Modern English Version (MEV)
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.