The journey of writing can be likened to chasing a butterfly. The “idea” flitted by and caught my attention. Then I thought, “Me, write? No way. I’m not a writer. Besides, what would I write about?” But I couldn’t get away from that butterfly, no matter how hard I tried.
I decided to follow it to see where it would lead me. I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit if He was really telling me to blog. More and more ideas began to flood my mind. He then brought to my remembrance the online journal I had been keeping of my spiritual journey. He had already been teaching me how to journal what He was saying to me. Yes, I believe God still speaks to each one of His children. That’s how much He loves us.
So when I started chasing the butterfly, it actually landed on my finger for a brief moment. Long enough to get a closer look, delighting me in its beauty. I couldn’t help but chase after it. For pursuing intimacy with God, like chasing the butterfly, always leaves you wanting more.
Of course, having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and knowing God’s written Word, The Holy Bible, is foundational to being able to hear God’s still small voice. The Holy Spirit longs to reveal Jesus and the Father to us. It’s simply a matter of tuning in to His voice.
The following pages are the answers to questions I had posed to God or things He wanted to talk to me about. Quite honestly, I felt more like a scribe than a writer. So I’ve done my best to take good notes. I believe that God, in His wisdom, wants these words shared with others on a similar journey to the Father’s heart. May you be blessed in chasing and catching the butterfly, too.